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Relax and purr

Single/Wife/husband . . . this battle ends now. When Adam and Eve messed up in Eden, the couple was then cursed. Eve was to bear children in pain and desire to rule over her husband, but the husband would rule over her. Adam was to toil for his food and rule over (control) Eve.

**This is where the desire to control begins. **

One person wanting to control the other, instead of both interrelating as God designed it to be in the beginning.

Man/Woman of God, give/recommit your life to Christ Jesus, allow Him to baptize you in His Holy Spirit. He is the second Adam who did not sin. His blood has washed away every curse. Get your paws and claws off your friend's/relative's/fiance's/husband's/wife's back. **Relax and purr.**

Give them space to breathe ... oxygen is good for the heart ... allow them to think, do things for themselves, plan for the future and just enjoy their "me" time with the LORD Jesus Christ. The results shall amaze you.

**They shall come back to you fresh and more energetic ... strong enough to love our LORD and you better.**

Rather than controlling, let's observe and find where we can be of help. If we cannot help, that means it is not yet our place to help . . . this does not mean the other person has a problem with us . . . therefore this shouldn't call for a battle or some sort of revenge.

Even better, we do not lose our positions of authority in society when we interrelate . . . compliment one another. Rather our strengths in some areas lift up those who are weak the same areas, and their strengths in other areas lift us up we who are weak in the same areas.

**Just relax and purr.**

**Genesis 3, Ephesians 5**

Bits Of My Heart

(c) 2019 Whose Child Productions

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